5 Reasons to Get Your Child’s Flu Shot Early

Scheduling Your Child’s Flu Vaccination on Time with Calgary Drugmart


Vaccinating children against the seasonal flu is essential as it can cause serious complications like pneumonia or even hospitalisation. These timely immunisations are specifically designed to strengthen kids’ immune systems so they can efficiently fend off the flu. Our pharmacists ensure the procedure is quick, easy, and stress-free throughout this vaccination process. Book your child’s appointment at Calgary Drugmart today to keep them healthy against the flu.


 Early Flu Vaccinations for Kids: 5 Reasons to Get Them Early


  • Stronger Immunity Development

It takes around two weeks for the body’s immune system to properly respond to the flu vaccine.  Early vaccination gives your child the time their immune system needs to produce enough antibodies. This preventative measure guarantees that their body is prepared to fight off the flu virus in the event of exposure, providing optimal protection throughout the season. 

  • Preventing Flu Spread

Children are more likely to contract and transmit the virus as they frequently interact closely with other people at daycare centres or schools. Getting vaccinated early lowers their chance of becoming a carrier and helps stop the virus from infecting other classmates or family members. This is particularly crucial for safeguarding those who are medically unable to obtain vaccinations.

  • Safeguarding High-Risk Groups

For susceptible groups, like the elderly, those with long-term medical conditions, and newborns, the flu can have serious consequences. By lowering their exposure to the flu, early vaccinations provide an additional layer of protection for these populations. In order to keep the community healthier, especially during flu season, communal protection is essential. 

  • Lower Risk of Hospitalization

Hospitalizations for young children with the flu may result from dehydration, respiratory problems, or other consequences. Early vaccination builds immunity before the height of flu activity, lowering this risk.

  • Support For Long-term Health

Over time, the immune system may become weakened by repeated flu infections. By receiving the vaccine early and often every flu season, you can help your child’s body build stronger defences against future flu seasons and potential health issues. 



Visit Our Pharmacy For Your Child’s Vaccinations